Friday, March 13, 2009

A true Soldier

Hey everybody. During Mr. Kitrell's last message on Wed. night, God really spoke to my heart about being a true Soldier for Him. I realized that I have been the type of person that's just "going through the motions." I've acted like I'm having a close relationship with God and like I'm staying faithful in my devotions. I'm writing this to apologize to everyone how... how fake I've been acting. Truthfully, I've been REALLY struggling with my dev. life, and I don't have that close of a relationship with God, but I want to have that relationship in the worst way!I feel like Satan's just telling me like, "Just give up Zach, you haven't been the Christian you should be. Just forget about it." I feel so far away from God right now,and I hate it! I just wanted to apologize to you guys, and if you could just pray that I will be a true Soldier for Christ! You guys are the best EVER!!!!! I'm praying for you guys!

Saved by the precious blood of Christ,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

please pray for me....

hey, i haven't been on the blog (or my blog)in awhile. i logged onto the teen blog and let me tell ya, it was a big encouragementto me.i haven't been daily doing my dev. and i've just gone completly away from God and then i saw all the things God has been doing in all your guys hearts and i praise God for that!!! i just thank God for all the Godly friends God has provided me. i just wanted to ask if u could just pray that i would just stay in his word everyday and i would be a better servent for God. i hope ya'l are doin good, and HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday Zach!

Friday, June 6, 2008

With God all things are possible

Mark 10:27 says And Jesus looketh upon them sayeth,With men it is impossible, but not with God,for with God all thimgs are possible.Now,I'm not saying that if we ask God to not let Hilary Clinton become president( but i don't think that we will have to worry about that=) that He will do that.What i'm saying,is that our power is sooooooooooo small compared to God's power.I mean we can work out our entire lives and we won't even compare to God's power.But God is merciful with us soooo much. I mean if somone did some thing that made me made, I would show it. But God loves us so much that all we have to do is ask His forgiveness and He will forgive us.We serve an AWESOME God and I'm thankful to be a part of His family.Ok, i realize that the last part of this post doesn't really have anything to do with the top part of it but, it doesn't matter(it's like i give you two things at the same time......pretty smart ain't it=)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thanks Jordan

Hey Jordan, thanks for the cool Soldiers of the Cross title, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! I greatly appriciate that you didn't send me anything related to the Bears=) Thanks again

Saturday, March 1, 2008

When God worked in my heart at the Wilds

When I went to the Wilds last year with my youth group, I had know idea that God was gonna work in my heart that week. I think it was Wendsday night, Rand Hummel spoke on Hell. He said something that made me think abit. He said: "We should all spend at least 5 seconds in Hell."When he said that, I was thinking that if we would only spend 5 seconds in Hell, a whole bunch of other people would stay there for eternity. I felt sick to my stomach that night. I relized that I had so many oppurtunities to talk to people about salvation but I was too scared to because I was afraid what they might think of me or they might laugh at me, these are some stupid excuses for not talking to people about Christ. So that night I asked God to help me to start living for Him and to not be afraid of what others think about me when I try to witness to them. I am looking forward to going back to the Wilds this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what God will do in my life and your lives as well. God bless us all!!!

Because of Christ,